Friday, 2025-02-14

This morning was a flurry of excitement with the promise of fresh snow and an opportunity to hit the ski slopes before the weekend crowds. It’s been a tough season so far, lacking the good powder days, so today’s forecast really got my spirits up. One important thing I’ve learned so far in this new journey is to appreciate the ability to do something I love during a weekday - a luxury I never had in the past. The anticipation of a ski day, regardless of how it pans out, always steers my day in the right direction, and it was no different today.

I was also mindful of the need to have an early dinner today, owing to the late-night work sessions I’ve had lately. While those have been very productive, I can’t deny that it doesn’t do any favors for my mornings. It became my mission to strike a healthy work-life balance today, starting with a proper dinner time.

One major realization that dawned upon me today is the necessity of longer-term planning. The shifting focus in my work has led to new skills, knowledge, and even productivity - all positive trends. But what’s missing is a central goal where all of this can converge. Identifying that focal point seems to be the next big task in my journey.

Most of the day was understandably consumed by familial responsibilities, because, let’s face it - when you’re out with 4 kids on a snowy day, they’re bound to need your attention. Especially when it turns out that the lifts weren’t functioning.

In retrospect, that delay at the ski resort was far from ideal, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad frustrated at moments. But then again, looking at the kids making the most of it, playing in the snow, and hiking up the slope for fun, it somehow felt worth it. In fact, it was quite heartening to see them adapt and still enjoy the day out in the snow.

By the time we got home, making an early dinner was top priority - a plan that worked well. I also got to steal some me-time for a quick workout, manage a few chores, and watch over the kids’ movie time. Of course, there’s scope for all of us to eat together, but as a one-off for a Friday, it seems manageable.

On the professional front, I managed to tackle a few tasks - paid the bills and caught up with some house project planning. There’s still a to-do list awaiting me, including some note-taking for my 12-week year. But I’m hoping to tick those off soon.

As the day comes to an end, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I may not have any monumental achievements to list out - no impressive ski feats, no major work breakthroughs, no telltale signs of Valentines Day celebration (laughably, my weak point). But what stands out starkly is the realization that despite the twists and turns, I was involved in every moment. The day wasn’t wasted away behind a work desk, but instead, spent outdoors with my family.

While life certainly presents a volley of challenges each day, it also brings with it an equal number of opportunities. Look past the lift delays and traffic woes, and you’ll see a chance to bond with your children, learn more about them, and quite unexpectedly, yourself. So, while the snow settles on this day, I look forward to what tomorrow brings – a new day to plan, appreciate, and above all, live.