Today’s morning brought with it an anticipation of some significantly enjoyable events, fuelling a sense of eagerness. I approached the day excited and hopeful about coaching the Mountain Rangers, squeezing in some personal reading and relaxing time, and planning for the week ahead.
Skiing, both in my capacity as a coach and with my son, Sebastian was the highlight of the day. The weekend mornings can sometimes be a challenging space to navigate, especially with getting Sebastian up and out the door. It is in moments like these when I strive to keep calm and, so grateful for Lauren’s unwavering support that I can focus on all my munchkins. Seeing him enjoy himself once he arrived was a delightful reminder that he benefits from these experiences. This was further cemented when he decided to join me for additional skiing.
Though I was concerned about finding the right balance with reading, I managed to fit some reading in this afternoon. The joy of immersing oneself in a book is therapeutic and I believe it’s a great example for my young ones at home. Granted, concerns about the time spent linger in the backdrop, but the overall positivity outweighs these fleeting thoughts.
As for my goal of pre-planning, the journaling aspect of it came to my aid. The motivation to wrap the day up by putting pen to paper, so to say, clearly defined my tasks for the week, which I will prioritize tomorrow. Tomorrow’s to-do list might be overwhelming, but having it set in words gives me clarity and direction.
My plans to play board games with the kids were postponed due to an unstructured dinner and need for a break from socializing. Some time spent coloring and reading at home provided a quiet, relaxing atmosphere, which we all seemed to need. Sometimes, switching to a slower gear provides the necessary space to recover and recuperate.
Another noteworthy part of the day was a little get-together at the cross country lodge to catch up with Lauren and a few friends. Being in such a bustling environment with all the kids can feel overwhelming but it’s all part of a day’s work.
Being engulfed in constant activity, challenging as it may be, provides a sense of growth and accomplishment. Charting out specific goals and seeing them through imparts a vivid sense of progression. Gratitude surfaces in these fruitful moments; gratitude for opportunities, experiences, and the companionship of family. Bring on the new week with its new challenges - I’m finishing the weekend prepared and ready.