This isn’t a difficult process, but I’m sure I’ll need it again, so here it is.


  1. Download the latest version of libwkhtmltox and the source of wkhtmltopdf from Google Code.
  2. Copy lib/ from libwkhtmltox to /usr/local/lib.
  3. Copy include/wkhtmltox from wkhtmltopdf to /usr/local/include.
  4. Run the following command (just to make sure it’s loaded):

     $ldconfig -v | grep wkhtml

PHP Bindings:

  1. Grab php-wkhtmltox from GitHub.
  2. Install.


If development tools aren’t installed:

$apt-get install build-essential php5-dev  # (ubuntu)
$make install

Add to php.ini.

P.S. These instructions are for Ubuntu. If you’re on CentOS, things are more difficult, good luck.